Dedication Ceremony for Historical Markers

The Irving Heritage Society will host the dedication of two historical markers on Friday, June 22 for the Estelle Community and Harrington Cemetery. Located at 4200 Valley View Road, the dedication will begin at 10am. Parking is available on the grounds. Watch the ICTN video of the event.
The Est
elle community was located on what is now largely DFW Airport property in western Irving. The community evolved during the second half of the nineteenth century from scattered farms on the Grapevine Prairie. At its height, the community had a steam cotton gin, two churches, a blacksmith shop, a school and a general store. The city of Irving annexed the Estelle area in 1968.
Photo: Estelle School
Bryant and Ryan Harrington came to the Estelle area shortly after the Civil War. The brothers amassed large land holdings on which they raised cattle and farmed. In 1883, the Harringtons donated land for a community school and Masonic lodge and a two story frame building was built on the land. In 1916, the community built a two-story brick schoolhouse on the same piece of land.
For additional information, contact the Irving Heritage Society at 972-252-3838.
Photo: Estelle barn of Lee Borah